Phuket weather in OCTOBER
You can relax now: October is the final month of the rainy season, which also means the end of the low season. Here’s what kind of weather to expect in Phuket.
☔️ Rainfall. October is one of the rainiest months of the year: rain can fall every day or every other day, but there are also clear days. On average, there are 20 rainy days in October.
🌡 Air temperature. This remains stable: around +31°C during the day and +24°C at night. It definitely won’t be cold.
☀️ Sunny/cloudy days. Most days in October will be cloudy or partly cloudy. But this has its perks: sunbathing is safer.
🌊 Sea. The sea in Phuket is always warm, with an average water temperature of +28.5°C in October. The wind speed also decreases, and its direction changes, so on some days, the sea can be calmer.
It’s impossible to predict the weather with complete accuracy. Remember, the key to a great vacation is a positive attitude and a clear plan. Think ahead about which places on the island you’d like to visit if the weather turns bad. And Phuket Insider is here to help – we’ve got only the best and most trusted spots for you!