In this section, we will tell you how to exchange rubles for baht profitably while in Phuket, as well as how to pay for purchases or services remotely.
Where is it more profitable to exchange rubles for baht in Phuket? We often receive this question, so we are sharing a recommendation for a licensed exchange service that has been personally verified by the Insider multiple times. You transfer rubles to a Russian bank card, and receive baht in cash via courier, at an ATM, or in person at the office.
How does the exchange work? The exchange can be done in four ways:
Follow the link and launch the Telegram bot, where a manager will contact you to clarify the details of the exchange.
Details about each exchange method:
Through an ATM. Steps:
Courier delivery. Steps:
*Courier delivery is free for amounts over 30.000 baht.
Cash at the office. Steps:
*Offices are open from 10:00 to 22:00.
To a Thai bank account. Steps:
Follow the link to the Telegram bot, click “start,” and a personal manager will contact you to explain all the details 👌🏻
The exchange through this service is licensed and safe, as confirmed by numerous client reviews. Both transfers from any Russian bank and cash at the office in Russia are accepted for exchange. The rates here are favorable and transparent, often even lower than those in banks or other exchange offices. There are no hidden fees.
The minimum amount for exchange is 1,000 baht or its equivalent. If you are interested in exchanging large amounts of money, this transaction can also be done after prior agreement with the manager in the chat. International transfers for legal entities are available for amounts equivalent to $20,000.
One of the service’s features is that it allows you to pay for your purchases anywhere and anytime. These can be transactions for any amount—whether it’s paying a restaurant bill, making a purchase in a store, or renting an entire villa. If you find yourself in a situation where you need to pay a bill, simply send the QR code from the terminal to the chat, and they will take care of the rest. Payments by bank details and invoices are also possible.
With this service, you can pay not only for goods but also for any services — medical services, insurance, education, rent, and much more. They can also assist with purchasing real estate and help complete the transaction with maximum efficiency.