The Thai Army: Lottery, Transgender Individuals, and Monks
In Thailand, many things can surprise foreigners: laws, traditions, tastes, and even the boundaries of normalcy. The Thai Army is another example. Transgender individuals and monks serve here, and joining the military can depend on winning a lottery. Here are some of the most interesting and unusual facts about the Thai Army:
- Conscription begins on April 1 and lasts for 11 days.
- Thailand has a mandatory military service program: all men in the kingdom must serve in the army for two years. However, they can volunteer for contract service, reducing the term to six months.
- Thailand has a large pool of human resources, so only those meeting strict medical and physical criteria are accepted into the army. This includes being physically and mentally healthy and meeting specific anatomical requirements, such as a minimum height of 160 cm, weight of at least 50 kg, and chest circumference of more than 76 cm.
- Conscripts who pass a medical examination participate in a lottery: drawing a red card means they must serve, while a black card allows them to return home.
- Conscripts are allowed to decline participation in the lottery once in their lifetime without needing to provide an official reason.
- Men aged 21 to 55 are eligible for conscription, including Buddhist monks and individuals undergoing a gender transition.