A famous Phuket temple where the Buddha is immortalized in a reclining posture symbolizing nirvana and peace. The golden statue is impressive in size and reaches 29 meters in length.
It is noteworthy that the Buddha is located not in the temple (as in most Buddhist buildings), but on its roof. Therefore, the statue can be admired from afar, but a visit to the temple itself will also be quite interesting.
Visitors are first greeted by a majestic gate, decorated with intricate carvings and various symbols. On the territory of the temple complex there are sculptures of various animals of Thai mythology. The temple itself is one-storeyed, with a staircase to the roof of the temple on the side, offering a panoramic view of the surrounding area.
Do not forget about the rules of visiting holy places in Thailand: cover your knees and shoulders, tune in to calmness and tranquility.