The sanctuary owners, Russell and Louisa, have dedicated their lives to rescuing elephants. During the tour, visitors are deeply moved by their stories about the challenging lives of elephants in Thailand. However, in this sanctuary, the elephants finally find freedom, which is evident in their carefree behavior.
On the tour, you will meet the elephants, have the chance to feed them, or simply observe these gentle giants enjoying their lives. At the end of the tour, you’ll experience what might be the most memorable lunch in Phuket. Visitors are brought to a lakeside area with small pavilions, where a delicious buffet is served. During lunch, you can watch the elephants bathing in the lake and taking mud baths. It’s a heartwarming sight, and it brings joy to see the elephants happily interacting with each other and sharing their positive energy with the visitors. Transportation and lunch are included in the tour price.